Project Update 14: Xarnon's Codex of Combined Magic (5E)
The project backers have been requesting an update so we will run down what we've been working on.
First, if you did back this project, we need to ask that everyone make sure that they have completed their BackerKit survey. We are going to have a pretty hard cutoff for surveys with this book, so it is very important that you complete it. We sent out email reminders, so check your spam!
Next, where are we at?!
We have ironed out the combination rules and are laying that part of the book out, and we are currently working on the new spells section. We have collected a ton of spells (more than we had planned) and are already over 60 spells without the greater rituals!
Our backers got a preview spell to try out in their games. Engooping Ray, a 4th-level transmutation spell for sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. For now we will leave you with just that to get your imagination going.
We did want to share some artwork for the greater ritual, Ritual of Raising. You can probably guess what that one is for!
We will continue to push this book to be the best that it can be! And if you backed the project, thank you again for your support!